*karen deitz It's Tatland! (tat as in tattoo). Find out about Karen and things she's into: music, astrology, online games, gothic stuff and more.

*christine weber Read all about Christine's fabulous windjammer trip to the British Virgin Islands- share her adventures and meet her new friends.

*sheela Sk8terpoot's home page reeks with style. Be sure to check out "Things that Rock & Suck". If your lucky, maybe Sheela will give you an award.

*techno dyke Techno Dyke's page has all kinds of info and resources for wired lesbians.

*juliette It's time for World Domination (part 2) with Juliette. Find out about Smalltime Industries, check out Juliette's writing and her latest 'zine effort.

*michelle vancurler Looks like Michell's just starting out, but she's got some links up to things she likes, like pow-wow and of course, NrrdGrrl!

*beth Welcome to Beth's Paris Adventure complete with weekly quiz on the "city of light". Plus the Beth F.A.Q.

*dahlia Dahlia's into astrology, paganism, mythology, photography and tarot. Check out her page for "babbling", links, photos, and more.

*monica Don't Look! (hey, she says that, not me)-- it's the Quick Cam collection of Monica's photos.

*elise Links to her own column about women, plus other women's stuff, and things she just plain likes.

*stacy Enter the realm... and find poetry, other writing, and some information about Stacy

*emily walker Read Emily's ramblings, check out her coloring book, and discover 100 things about Emily.

*aggie Aggie says, "my page is as ecelctic as they come...kinda like me. i love poetry and tori amos and ani difranco and my clarinet, in that order." She also has some travel adventures.

*anu Welcome to Anu's corner of the web. Find her spirituality page (with books that have helped her and a list of personal favorite scriptures), some of her photos, and links to things she likes-- like good television, and food!

*cool chick Peek into the head of a Cool Chick in Australia. You nosy types can snoop around her diary too. She's also offering to give advice to those who need it.

*nika & poppy Parias is Nika and Poppy's first comic. Check out a couple of issues, and enjoy the back and forth banter of the comic's creators.

*jenn lentz Follow the Hello Kitty pictures into Jenn's page. Check out her personal philosophy section, and read up on some of her favorite books.

*rowena webpages about three cool chicks - Angelina Jolie, Peta Wilson, and Daria Morgendorffer! Plus, a little bit about Rowena herself.

*jayne Jayne's a computer science major at the University of Texas in Dallas. Find out a little about herself and her family and take the OS/2 survey.

*robin A goth site from Robin, with dark links, other cool stuff, and some original poetry.

*zane Zaney's Shangri-La features great books, an IRC obsession, and of course the famous shit list.

*aime "A mish-mash of me..maybe that means pumpkin pie!? mostly just links, with some photos and info."

*kelly v. Kelly's page has got poetry, music, activism, literature, movies and a neat little bio page.

*caroline kelly Caroline's page is just getting underway. Check out some of her recipes, an interview with punk band Notfunnyanymore, and punk/ska/oi links.

*sue delacruz Oops, make that *Soup*. Pick the left side, or right side and learn "about a college woman and how she spends her time when she should be studying." Tons here, art, roller hockey, photos, and more.

*daisy Daisy's kewl world has info about music and movies and other stuff Daisy likes.

*annie "Come pick the mind of a slighty freaky, slightly geeky, slightly normal 15 year old girl just trying to deal with this "interesting" thing called life..." Duckgirl's home away from home.

*sarah catherine Lukaland: "It's my homepage. It's about me, my friends, and anything else that strikes my fancy. That's it."

*amy Amy's Universe has info on the University of Michigan, links to places and people, and some "junky photos".

*maris the flyer "Comics, Cartoons, Discordia, and Paganism all bounce around The Reyl World"

*helen katz The Electronic Katladyland page has moody blues information; "my pseudoworld"; a guide to slack.

*courtney Courtney's page has cool info about Courtney (of course!), and her new web zine Catfight.

*janie Janie's Place has the neat story of how she met her future husband in cyberspace, plus some of her favorite stuff, from HTML to poetry.

*ellen denham Ellen is a self-described soprano, feminist, and netgeek. Check out her page for info on her Opera career, as well as a photo album and her "virtual life" in MU*'s.

*christine wilson Christine's brand new web home! Learn about her 5 parrots, life in Hawaii, and find out why the gondala is her favorite mode of transportation.

*amanda gauthier "The personal website of Amanda L. Gauthier; writer, feminist, student of anthropology, lover of books and music, and believer in faeries, God/dess, and the importance of faith and dreams." Be sure to enter the circle of randomness.

*kyrina "A page dedicated to the great archmage of Dragonlance, Raistlin Majere. It has information about Raistlin and will get even more soon. Join the UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Club."

*alexia p. The Seventh Wave is: "A place where I display my photography, writing, other people's writing, my favorite links, and my ranting!! Woohah! "

*kristy boyer Just Kristy and her crazy life. What else is there to say?

*nancy wallace Stuff about who Nancy is, what she does, net speech, gaming, getting in touch with her inner Klingon.

*sandra prow Find out what the medical tech to the astronauts does. Includes the MedTek F.A.Q. and the Story of the Big White Van.

*lark Lark was distressed that she couldn't find a collection of psychedelic links on the web-- so she set out to make her own!


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